Business Information Systems

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BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems Year 2

Programme Objectives

Modern businesses and organisations are driven by the synthesis of information facilitated by technology. Business information systems are the key platforms and repository of data for today’s managers and leaders to obtain and apply the relevant materials for planning, organising, executing and controlling.

This degree programme is designed to provide students with a sound grounding on the theories and practices in business and management with current application software and information technology support. It teaches students to analyze and model the flow of information through business processes, and formulate plans and architectures for the capture, storage and retrieval of data. In addition, it trains students to develop computer apps and programs to support or automate business processes. It is directed towards real-world applications in the business world where one learns to develop and align information systems to formulate, execute and support strategic, tactical and operational plans.


Year II

1. Management in Actions
2. Financial Accounting
3. Introduction to Programming
4. Quantitative Analysis
5. Innovation & Entrepreneurship
6. Full Stack Web Development
7. Python Fundamentals for Data science
8. Principles of Information System

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