Business management

Home 5 Bachelor 5 Business Management 5 Year 2 Business Management

BSc (Hons) in Business Management Year 2

Programme Objectives

Business management studies provide an up-to-date appreciation of our today’s globally diverse, dynamic business environment in the provisions of either products, services or both. It encompasses the study of different types of organisations, private, public or non-profit, and their management approaches, processes and key considerations when interacting with environmental changes.

This programme focuses on the key aspects of business and management theories and practices with particular emphasis on the students to develop a range of transferable individual and team skills. Students will be exposed to key functional areas of an organisation, namely planning and control, operations management, marketing, finance, human resources, and sales. It aims to develop graduates with a strong foundation in management and an enquiring mind to question contemporary business issues and change.


Year II

1. Management in Actions
2. Financial Accounting
3. Economics
4. Quantitative Analysis
5. Innovation & Entrepreneurship
6. Principles of Marketing
7. International Business Environment
8. Principles of Information System

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